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As a business owner, if you are thinking about your first CRM, which should it be?
How well are buyers and suppliers collaborating on key strategic issues?
Is now the moment to seize the future with a salesforce restructure?
How do sales teams spend their time wisely during the lockdown?
Take the sales manager test to see what your strengths are and where you can improve.
Associate Professor Chengwei Liu of WBS’s research into Luck in business has fascinating implications for sales
Survey results from MBA students – does sales still have a sleazy reputation or is it something to aspire to?
Based on research and experience, here is what professional sales behaviour means to us
Take the sales managers’ boot camp test to see if you deserve your title.
Are you interested to find out if your sales organisation is vulnerable to disruption or extinction?
A summary of insights to help you to apply science to influence for more effective sales meetings.
Are UK sales organisations doing enough to help sales people become resilient?
Dirty tricks in buying and selling – are all buyers liars? Our survey results reveal the truth.
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Anderson Hirst talks about the latest version of our Sales Excellence Diagnostic©
Alastair McIvor and Anderson Hirst demonstrate what happens when active listening goes wrong in sales conversations!
Alastair McIvor and Anderson Hirst on the philosophy of Selling Interaction’s sales training
Advice on setting up and implementing key account management programmes