Psychology of influence
Psychology of influence
The psychology of sales interactions
Quotes from participants
“I will be much more prepared how to act next time I have a customer claim or next time I hear buying signals on the phone.”
Interroll participant
Course outline
Social psychology has amassed a large body of knowledge about how humans influence each other and interact – especially in the last 10 years.
The aim of this programme is to share the key findings in a very practical way, specifically for a sales & marketing audience, so they can be aware of, and develop their influencing statrgies.
The course covers personal selling and on-line influence principles to support both digital marketing / virtual selling approaches, as well as more traditional modes of interaction.
Built from a thorough study of the latest findings in social psychology, applicable to sales, the training will give your sales team extra approaches and sales tips to influence customers positively.
Sales teams, sales management, marketing, customer service and other client facing staff.
Learning objectives
- Understand key modes of influence in person and on-line.
- Practice applying and using them in client situations.
- Understand how humans interact and the nuances of behaviour at play.
- Manage customer interactions more effectively.
- Be aware of influence mechanisms used as tactics in negotiations.
Course format
2 day workshop
- Update on the latest important findings in social psychology.
- Insight into how they affect customer interactions in person and on-line.
- Ability to adapt and apply them to actual customer situations.
- Ability to recognise when influence is used as a tactic in negotiations.
Quotes from participants
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
Anaïs Nin
August 2013
The science of influence
A summary of insights to help you to apply science to influence for more effective sales meetings.
Client Case Study
Trend Case History
Supply chain negotiation programme
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The Selling Interactions Difference: Our programmes are based upon our extensive research into sales best practice. Currently, our database holds details of over 2000 research cases. At the same time, 100% of our focus is on creating pragmatic, actionable training that sales people find invaluable in securing their targets. With a twin focus on attitude/ behaviour and strategy/process, Selling Interactions programmes equip participants with the best chances of sustainable success.