+44 (0) 1789 339 995
Point of view …where we catch up with passionate practitioners in sales management. This edition, we catch up with Suzy […]
Emma The sales manager’s view Unfortunately, staff turnover is still an issue for us, as many others are experiencing […]
Emma: The Sales Manager’s view This year we have had an influx of new members to the sales team […]
Should we start changing our work attire? To Zoom or not to Zoom? – Some tips. How to improve the use of video in your sales cycle. Customer success tips – what it is and why is it so popular?
Emma, the sales manager discusses price negotiations, giving some questions to put to the sales team. How managers can build an agile sales organisation – 4 areas to pay attention to. Looking for a fun virtual event, do you like gin? Also, meet our new associate.
EMMA: The sales manager’s view I had quite an argument with someone in my network recently who is also a […]
Emma, the sales manager looks at reviewing their customer prioritisation model. Tips about virtual sales calls. A good read is the checklist manifesto. How to get creative with customer entertainment and Warwick business school’s gold award.
Emma The sales manager’s view It’s funny how the HR folk have got off their soapboxes when it comes to […]
The National Sales Conference 2020 What happened to sales exhibitions and conferences? Surely, they are all on hold right now […]
Are you managing a sales force right now? Join our practitioner’s workshop on 9th July 17:00 hours BST. Also, our latest whitepaper helps you review when it’s time to make a change and how to do it.